Twins: Similarities, differences and individuality

Maria Garro, Alessandra Salerno, Federica Cirami


This study aims at investigating the self-differentiating perceptions and the separation-individuation process in emerging adulthood twins. A group of 40 Italian pairs of twins (21 couples dizygotic-DZ and 19 monozygotic-MZ) aged 20-30 years, were evaluated using the test of graphic projection Family Life Space (DSSVF) and through a specific questionnaire ad hoc constructed for this research. The research hypothesis focuses on Zazzo’s test of parallel testimony and gives empirical evidence about the capacity of MZ Twins to use more internal resources of the couple than DZ Twins. This causes the split slowdown in identification. The data show that there are no differences between non-bisexual MZ and DZ couples. Moreover, there is a weaker reciprocal relation in the opposite-sex DZ couple than in the others.





Monozygotic twins, Dizygotic twins, Separation-individuation process, social interaction, Italy

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Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Garro, Alessandra Salerno, Federica Cirami